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Baby Signs/如廁訓練/Potty Training Kit DVD


Baby Signs/如廁訓練/Potty Training Kit DVD

Baby Signs寶寶Potty Training Kit 如廁訓練 1DVD


"I'd been potty training my daughter for the past few months, but she hadlost interest in it. Now that we have theAll Aboard the Potty TrainDVD, she actually RUNS to the bathroom when I blow the whistle and say
'It's potty time!'"


The Baby Signs?Potty Training Kit has everything you and your baby need to make potty training fun and easy! This exciting new program combines the power of the Baby Signs?program with developmentally appropriate practices that help babies easily potty train before the age of 2. Highly motivational products with the "Potty Train" theme make this program ideal for children of all ages. The kit contains:



All Aboard the Potty TrainDVD - With its catchy tunes, delightful animation and real kids, this exciting DVD will teach your baby five potty-time signs and reinforce each step of the potty routine.

In 1982, Drs. LindaAcredoloand Susan Goodwyn discovered that babies were spontaneously using simple gestures to represent words they were not yet able to say. They might sniff for “flower,” pant for “dog,” or flap their arms for “bird.” What would happen, Drs. Acredolo and Goodwyn wondered, if parents just helped the process along?

在1982年,Linda Acredolo和Susan Goodwyn發現寶寶在他們還不能說話前有本能用簡單的手勢來表達一些單詞的意思,他們能聞到“花”,愛撫“狗”,或者拍著手臂來代表“鳥”,還有什麽會發生嗎?Acredolo博士和Goodwyn博士驚訝到,如果父母能否幫助這一過程的發展?

Thus began a major breakthrough in infant-parent communication called the Baby Signs?Program – a natural baby sign language that allows babies and their parents to use simple signs to communicate important things – like being hungry or thirsty, hot or cold, afraid or sad – often a full year before babies could otherwise speak.


Through two decades of research, much of it funded by the National Institutes of Health, Drs. Acredolo and Goodwyn have demonstrated that their Baby Signs Program has dramatic benefits, including decreasing frustration for babies and parents, enriching the parent-child bond, boosting emotional development, helping babies talk sooner– even raising IQ.



1. 寶寶手語是全英文的,家長英語不好能教寶寶嗎?


2. 學了寶寶手語,寶寶會不會不說話了?

這個觀點完全沒有理解寶寶手語的含意。寶寶手語是讓寶寶在能說話前通過簡單的手勢來向父母表達自己的意思,寶寶使用手語的過程是單一手語-手語和語言混合-完全語言 這三個階段,到完全會說話時,寶寶會很少使用的手語的表達,但是在手語和語言混合表達的階段持續較長。在教寶寶手語時,並不是只傳達一個手勢的動作給寶寶,而且手勢,語音,意思三個方面同時授於寶寶,所以這完全不同於啞語。相反,學了寶寶手語的寶寶,對說話有促進作用。

3. 做位家長只給寶寶看碟片就成了嗎?



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